Tax Center
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Schedule Your Appointment Today

Advanced Business Consultants, Inc. can assist you with any tax-related issues. For matters involving interaction with the IRS, we can provide you with the services of an Enrolled Agent (EA). 

An EA is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who has technical expertise in the field of taxation and who is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections, and appeals. For more information on Enrolled Agents, click here.

Continue below and let us help you free yourself from your IRS burdens. 

1. Client Profile 

2. Taxpayer & Spouse Consent Forms

3. Schedule an Appointment Today

4. Tax Organizer & Tax Worksheet

5. Musicians Tax Organizer

1. Click here for credit card authorization form

2, Click here for S Corporate 7004 Extension-Due March 15th ($3000.00 late penalty) Fill out the top and Part two. Code is 25

3, Click here for Partnership Extension-Due March 15th ($3000.00 late penalty) Fill out the top and Part one. Code is 09

4. Click here for Trust Extension-March 15th ($3000.00 late penalty) Fill out the top and Part one. Code is 04

5. Click here to file your Corporate Annual Report-April 1st $20.00 for corps $300 for LLC's
   (Secretary of State will dissolve your entity if not filed and paid by July 1st)

6. To look up your franchise and excise tax number click here  
    you will need your federal id number scroll to bottom middle of page and choose "information and inquiries" then look up
    account numbers. 

7. To make a Franchise and Excise extension payment without using a tntap account  click here 
    choose make a payment, choose ach debit or credit card and click next pay 90% of last years amount due, or minimum 100.00
    When making an extension payment, TNDOR considers the payment as the extension of time.

8. To make Franchise and excise tax extimated payments click here
    and choose make a payment

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Advanced Business Consultants, Inc. / 162 4th Avenue North, Suite 103, / Nashville, TN 37219 / 615.646.5757

Advanced Business Consultants, Inc. Forms:
Business Center

Corporations and LLC's must file Two extentions.  
The two types of extensions you must file: 

    1. Federal - Filed with the IRS = Federal Extension that is due March 15th. We can file this one.

    2. Tennessee Franchise and Excise Tax Extension that is due April 15th. We can not file this one.
        Log into your tntap and make an extension payment. Pay 90% of last years tax due.
        You can find last years tax return in your tntap account. You are required to make 
         Extimated payments if you owed more than 5000.00
        See number 6 and 7 below if you do not have access to your tntap account.

Your corporate annual report is due April 1st. Click number 5. below to file it.  
 to add text.